Keeping furniture you don’t like

You have to live in your home, so you should like both the look and feel of every room. Still hanging on to a sentimental piece of furniture that just doesn’t go with your home’s aesthetic? Move it, put it in storage or find it a new home where it will be appreciated.

Ignoring the scale of a room

You don’t need to be a pro to decorate your home like one, but the best looks observe some important design concepts — like scale. Think of scale as the Goldilocks concept of space. It ensures things aren’t too large or too small in relation to your room. They’re just right. Pile too much furniture into a tiny room, and it’ll feel cramped and cluttered. Take those same pieces and put them in a larger room where they have room to breathe, and you’ll have a completely different look. This is a common mistake people make when they move. Just because a room “worked” in a previous home doesn’t mean you won’t need to make adjustments in a new space.

Not hanging art and electronics properly

Art is an investment, and it can make or break a room. And, if it’s hung improperly — without the right light and at the wrong height — it can be overlooked or ruin the look of a room. Experts say the best practice is to hang wall art five feet above the floor. Since “eye level” is different for everyone, this height opts for the average, which means it likely won’t be obscured by large furniture

Overdoing the accessories

Whether it’s throw pillows or knick-knacks, less is more. It’s better to choose a couple of eye-catching, luxurious pieces than to clutter up every flat surface in your home. (That trend of covering the whole bed in pillows is not coming back, thankfully!) Too many accessories make it hard for your eyes to figure out where to focus, so your favorite pieces will be overlooked and lost in the fray. When you walk into a room, you should be able to take a quick glance and notice the focal point.

If you’ve made any of these mistakes, not to worry — the experts at G-Decor’s Furniture are happy to help. The process of transforming your home into a showplace that reflects your personal style is one that often requires the guidance of a designer. At G-Decor’s Furniture, we offer a full range of complimentary interior design services. With over 40 highly qualified and experienced design professionals we are ready to assist in making your dream a reality. We make the process a pleasure by working with you on projects ranging from a single room makeover to whole-home designs.